Powerful Platform

Free Basic Platform

Free Basic Platform

Join ExpiWell for free and use many experience sampling and ecological momentary assessment features freely available. Create your surveys now!
Free Trial icon

Free Trial

Try out ExpiWell for free before you decide to pay for a subscription. Just create a free trial and test-run your experience sampling and ecological momentary assessment project yourself.
Apps icon

Free iOS/Android Apps

Highly rated experience sampling app and ecological momentary assessment app available on the app stores.
Data collection icon

Anonymized Data Collection

All participants log in securely through ExpiWell mobile apps to easily track responses across multiple surveys. No identifying information is shared with researchers.
Remote onboarding icon

Remote Onboarding

Participants can easily download the ExpiWell mobile app and start joining different projects.
Multiple Language icon

Multiple Languages

Surveys are compatible with virtually all languages. Mobile apps are available in English, German, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.
GPS capture icon

GPS Capture

Capture the location of where experiences are taken.
Online Project icon

Online and Offline Projects

Easily enable experience capture for participants who do not have cellular or WiFi connections.
Backup Email icon

Backup Email Notifications

Sending email backup reminders to participants who may not have immediate push notifications for time-sensitive projects
Real Time Data Icon

Real-time data dashboard

Obtain real-time information on the number of participants and time taken for each survey within the project.
Participant icon

Participant logs

Track individual participant response rates in real-time for different surveys and view specific responses. Able to view response rates based on expected responses to date or expected responses for the entire project. Track notification status to know whether participants are receiving push notifications.
Payment icon

Participant payments

Compensate participants directly with Amazon gift cards without the need for any identifying information. Compensation can be based on response rates seen in participant logs. Great for keeping projects anonymized while paying participants.

Increase your capability to capture experiences

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Multiple Study and Survey Options

Project Screener icon

Project Screener

Screen participants by creating project requirements (e.g., demographics, location). Great for online recruitment of participants.
Screener question icon

Screener Questions

Prevent participants from continuing based on random responding or careless responding to improve data quality.
Branching logic icon


Create sophisticated surveys by using branching and logic. It can be used to create personalized surveys or interventions.
Piping icon


Create question text based on previous participant choices to further personalize surveys.
Randomize Icons

Randomize Questions

Randomize the ordering of questions each time the participant takes the survey.
Automatic Next question  icon

Automatic Next Question

Enable participants to move to the next question immediately after a choice is made for long surveys. This is a great time saver.
Forced Choice Icon

Forced Choice

Participants have to answer the question before moving to the next question. This is an excellent feature for important questions.
Request Response icon

Request Response

Participants are requested to answer the question if they did not answer. Great for reminding participants.
Mobile Chart icon

Mobile Charts

Create viewable charts for participants as they are participating in the project to track their own responses and growth over time.
Hide progress bar icon

Hide Progress Bar

Option to hide the progress bar for long surveys.

Increase your capability to capture experiences

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Easy Survey Scheduling

Calendar icon

Calendar Schedule

Screen participants by creating project requirements (e.g., demographics, location). Great for online recruitment of participants.
Rolling Schedule icon

Rolling Schedule

Prevent participants from continuing based on random responding or careless responding to improve data quality.
Schedule icon

Static (Event-based) Schedule

Surveys can be taken whenever the participant chooses.
Combine Schedules

Combine Schedules

The easy-to-use scheduling interface allows combining schedules for different types surveys (e.g., event-based survey and random survey). In ESM and EMA terminology, you can create schedules for event-contingent, signal-contingent, and interval-contingent protocols all in a single project.
Times icon

Set Start & Close Times

Control when participants can take surveys so they cannot backfill surveys outside the scheduled time
Notification Times icon

Randomized Survey & Notification Times

Create randomized times for participants taking the survey. E.g., survey will be randomly available for 1 hour between 8-11 am.
Fixed interval Or Snoozed Reminders

Fixed interval Or Snoozed Reminders

Remind participants to complete an available survey when they have not done so after a certain time.
Personalized Schedule Icon

Personalized Schedule

Enable participants to change when the timings of the surveys on the mobile app. Great for shift and healthcare workers who may have different schedules.


Create contingent surveys and notifications based on participant responses. Great for adaptive interventions, ecological momentary interventions, and just-in-time-adaptive interventions (JITAI).
Adaptive Time Zone icon

Adaptive Time Zone

All schedules are automatically adapted to participant time zones. A 9 am survey will occur at 9 am regardless of which time zone a participant is in. If they change time zones halfway through the project, the mobile app will adapt the schedule accordingly. Great for recruitment of participants around the world or for participants that frequently travel.
Researcher enabled Push Notifications icon

Researcher-enabled Push Notifications

Send customizable push notifications to participants from the participant log to send friendly reminders and increase participation rates.

Increase your capability to capture experiences

Contact our sales team for more information or to schedule a call.

Multiple Question Types

Instruction Question icon

Instruction Question

Insert directions without requiring a response.
Single Selection icon

Single Selection

Choose one option among multiple options. E.g., “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”.
Multiple Selection icon

Multiple Selection

Choose one or more options with checkboxes.
Dropdown Selection icon

Dropdown Selection

Choose a single option from a dropdown list.
Rating Scale icon

Rating Scale

Provide ratings based on the number of stars. Researchers decide on the maximum number of stars.
Counter Question icon

Counter Question

A counter to count the number of occurrences of one or more events happening. Useful in clinical or health settings to count the number of occurences or behaviors.
Scale question icon

Scale Question

Slider question where a response is made on a scale decided by researchers. E.g., sad to happy
Matrix question icon

Matrix Question

Multiple questions that have the same response format.
Grid question icon

Grid Question

Select a cell on a two-dimensional grid that best represents the experience. E.g., affect grid with a horizontal axis sad-to-happy and a vertical axis low-to-high arousal.
Text input icon

Text Input

Enter free-form text
Number Input icon

Numeric Input

Enter numeric data
Numeric Range input icon

Numeric Range Input

Select a number on a number dial with the range that is decided by researchers
Email input icon

Email Input

Enter text in the form of an email address
Date Time Input Icon

Date/time Input

Select date and/or time.
Audio icon


Share audio recordings of the immediate environment or share experiences on audio.
Photo icon


Share photos of the immediate environment or share experiences through photos.
Video icon


Share video recordings of the immediate environment or share experiences through video recordings.
Weblink icon


Provide a web link in any of the questions that will bring up the website on a browser when participants click on it
Dynamic link icon

Dynamic link

Create dynamic links that embed ExpiWell data (e.g., participant ID, session) into an external web link. E.g., Qualtrics or Survey Monkey embedded data. This is useful for tracking participants across multiple platforms.
Personalized Schedule Icon

Cognitive Tests

Include cognitive tests like the n-back task and customize the stimuli, trials, and more

Increase your capability to capture experiences

Contact our sales team for more information or to schedule a call.

Convenient Project Distribution

Access Code icon

Access Code

Participants enter a unique access code into the mobile app to start the project
Invite by Email

Invite By Email

Only participants with specific email addresses are allowed to start the project. Great when using ExpiWell with other existing data collection platforms.
Project based icon

Project-based Temporary User Accounts

Create temporary user accounts for fully anonymous data collection. Also very useful for specific populations (e.g., elderly) who are unable to create their own account easily.

Increase your capability to capture experiences

Contact our sales team for more information or to schedule a call.

Response Data

Data Download Icon

Data Download

Download the response data in different formats (CSV, TSV, XML) and in numeric or choice text. All surveys are linked automatically through a unique anonymous identifier.
Time Stamped Icon


Completion of surveys are time stamped for tracking when participants complete them.
Survey response icon

Survey Response Times

Real-time information on the survey responses. Immediately know how long participants take on average to complete each survey. Useful for piloting projects and knowing how long it takes to complete surveys.
Dashboard icon


Create customized figures and graphs to dashboard incoming data in real-time
Logs Icon


Track notifications sent to participants and download the notification timings.
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